El Corrido de Delano
By Lalo Guerrero (Colonial 537), Circa 1967
This topical corrido is about the 1966 Grape Strike and the strikers’ 300-mile march from Delano to Sacramento led by César Chávez. The strike and march resulted in the creation of the United Farm Workers and the rise of César Chávez as a national labor leader. With its plainspoken call for fair treatment of the grape pickers, the corrido raised public awareness of the Grape Strike and the conditions of California’s farmworkers.
We only ask for what’s fair
and the dignity of man

Año del 65, 66 más o menos
Se levantó nuestra gente
En los campos de Delano
Pidiendo mejores sueldos
Por trabajar el terreno
Estado de California
En el condado de Kern
Se escucharon las palabras
“¡Ándale paisano! Ven
A ingresar al sindicato
Nos irá mucho más bien”
“¿Por qué salimos en huelga?
No es pa’ que el mundo se asombre”
Esto lo decía un hombre
César Chávez es su nombre
Sólo pedimos lo justo
Y la dignidad del hombre
Estado de California
En el valle San Joaquín
Llamó tanto la atención
Este famoso motín
Que vinieron senadores
A ver si le hallaban fin
Murphy y Kennedy vinieron
A consultar a nuestra gente
Escucharon las demandas
Y se fueron muy conscientes
De que se trata de un pueblo
Trabajador y decente
Con el estandarte hermoso
De nuestra Guadalupana
Van marchando a Sacramento
Nuestra gente mexicana
A luchar por sus derechos
¡Dios bendito a ver si ganan!
In the year ’65, ’66, thereabouts
Our people rose up
In the fields of Delano
Demanding better wages
For working in the fields
In the state of California
In Kern County
The words were overheard
“Let’s Go Paisano! Come
And Join the Union
Things will be better for us”
“Why did ge go on strike?
It wasn’t to offend anyone
That’s what a certain man would say
His name is César Chávez
We only ask for what is fair
And for human dignity
In the state of California
In the San Joaquin Valley
This famous resistance
Drew some much attention
That senators came
To help find a solution
Murphy and Kennedy came
To consult our people
They listened to our point of view
And were very aware
That at the center was of this were
Hard working and decent people
With our beautiful patron banner
Of Our Lady Guadalupe
Marches towards Sacramento
With our Mexican people
To fight for rights
God willing, they will win
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