El Coyote Fracasado

By Los Pumas De Jalisco (Crystal Records cr-1058-a), 1984

There are many corridos which deal with the trafficking of people for domestic service, agricultural work, and sweatshop labor in the United States. “El Coyote Fracasado” tells about a human smuggler who failed in his mission to get people across the border undetected. Detained at the San Clemente checkpoint, the authorities discover the smuggler’s human cargo. 

Arriving at the
checkpoint by San Clemente
I was asked to open the trunk
Only God knew what I felt


Señores con su permiso
voy a empezar a cantar
El corrido del coyote, el coyote fracasado
Que me agarraron dos pollos
En la cajuela del carro

Al llegar al chequiadero
Cerquita de San Clemente
Un negro era el emigrante
Me dijo, “Párate ahí,
Quiero que abras la cajuela”
¡Diosito lo que sentí!

Yo no traficaba drogas
Tampoco la marihuana
Yo traficaba con pura
Con purita carne humana

El Juez se llama McHugh
El fue que me sentenció
Me dió 30 días de cárcel
A mí me la perdonó
Ése día estaba de buenas
Pues fue lo que me salvó

Yo me llamo José Ruíz
Pues ya para qué lo niego
Mis huellas y los retratos
Quedaron bien archivados
Quedaron bien archivados
En la cárcel de San Diego

Yo no traficaba drogas
Tampoco la marihuana
Yo traficaba con pura
Con purita carne humana


Gentlemen, with your permission
I am going to begin to sing
The corrido of the coyote, the failed coyote
They found two “pollos”
In the trunk of the car

When we arrived at the checkpoint
Close to San Clemente
Immigration officer was an African-America
He said “Pullover,
I want you to open the trunk”
Oh Lord, what I felt

I didn’t traffic drugs
Neither marijuana
I trafficked pure
Pure human flesh

The judge was named McHugh
He was the one who sentenced me
He gave me 30-day jail sentence
He also forgave me
He must have been in good mood
It was what saved me

My name is José Ruíz
Why should I deny it?
My fingerprints and photos
They are archived well
They are archived well
At the jail in San Diego

I didn’t traffic drugs
Neither marijuana
I trafficked pure
Pure human flesh

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